All Namespaces

  • Namespaces
    • AjaxControlToolkit
    • com
    • CrystalDecisions
    • DevExpress
    • DocumentFormat
    • Dundas
    • Ilrun
    • MediaCenter
    • Microsoft
    • MS
    • ServiceBus
    • Spaanjaars
    • SqlContracts
    • System
      • Activities
      • AddIn
      • CodeDom
      • ComponentModel
      • Configuration
      • Data
      • Design
      • Diagnostics
      • DirectoryServices
      • Drawing
      • Dynamic
      • EnterpriseServices
      • IdentityModel
      • IO
      • Linq
      • Management
      • Messaging
      • Net
      • Printing
      • Reflection
      • Resources
      • Runtime
      • Security
      • ServiceModel
      • ServiceProcess
      • Timers
      • Transactions
      • Web
      • Windows
      • Workflow
      • Xml
    • WindowsFormsIntegration


Select a namespace from the left navigation pane to find the attributes contained in that namespace. The tree will automatically expand so you easily see the child namespaces.

Can't find the attribute you're looking for? Try the search page.


Below you see a list of attributes that were found in the selected namespace.

Hover your mouse over an attribute to get its description, or click View Details to see all data we have on that attribute.

Name View
System.Attribute View Details
System.AttributeUsageAttribute View Details
System.CLSCompliantAttribute View Details
System.ContextStaticAttribute View Details
System.FlagsAttribute View Details
System.LoaderOptimizationAttribute View Details
System.MTAThreadAttribute View Details
System.NonSerializedAttribute View Details
System.ObsoleteAttribute View Details
System.ParamArrayAttribute View Details
System.SerializableAttribute View Details
System.SRCategoryAttribute View Details
System.SRDescriptionAttribute View Details
System.STAThreadAttribute View Details
System.ThreadStaticAttribute View Details
System.XmlIgnoreMemberAttribute View Details

Total number of attributes found: 16